- Moyo, B & Muzondidya, J (2012) Democratic Governance in West Africa, UNDP Democratic Governance World Report, UNDP
- Moyo, B (2011) Innovations and Transformative Partnerships in African Philanthropy, IDS, Rockefeller and Resource Alliance.
- Moyo, B (2009) Establishing the Mandela Institute for Development Studies: A feasibility study, Mandela Foundation.
- Moyo B (2009) Establishing an Africa Grantmakers Network (AGN) Bhekinkosi Moyo
- Moyo B (2008) Analysis of the Kenya Debt Management Strategy, UNDP.
- Moyo, B (2008) Optimizing Institutional Philanthropy for the 21st Century A Discussion Paper for the Salzburg Global Seminar
- Moyo B (2007) Civil society participation in Regional Economic Communities, UNDP Johannesburg.
- Moyo B and Fumo C (2007) Research on ‘Determining an Engagement Mechanism between Civil Society and the African Agenda’ (PAP, NEPAD and APRM), Southern Africa Trust, Midrand, SA
- Moyo, B (2007) Interpreting the PAP Rules of Procedure for Civil Society engagement, SAT.
- Moyo B (2005a), An Evaluation of Tshwaranang’ s Court Information Desk Project, funded by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR), TLAC
- Moyo B (2005b), Research Project on legal and customary barriers and opportunities for accessing rights and services: The situation of orphans and vulnerable children in Southern Africa: A case study of South Africa: Centre for the Study of Aids, University of Pretoria.
- Moyo B (2005c), The Promise and Practice of Social Justice Philanthropy: A five Nation Report (Kenya, Peru, India, Indonesia and USA) International Institute for Education and The Centre for Civil Society and Philanthropy, City University of New York, May 2005.
- Moyo B (2005d), The state of Giving in South Africa: Family Foundations and trusts in South Africa: Center for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu Natal
- Moyo B (2005e), Culture, Women and Narratives of Masculinity: Cases from Limpopo and KwaZulu Natal: USAID and Women’s Legal Rights Initiative-Southern Africa: 2005
- Moyo B (2004a), Higher Education in South Africa: A study of the universities of Pretoria, KwaZulu Natal, Western Cape, Witwatersrand, Rhodes, Cape Town: Ford Foundation International Fellows Programme
- Moyo B (2004b), Philanthropy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities: A study of Southern Africa: Ford Foundation Southern Africa Office
- Moyo B (2003), Attachment and Enforcement of Emolument Orders in Five Gauteng Courts: Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)